MODULE 11/14–2/6


The absolute fundamentals of zettelkasten. This first half of The System for Writing Master Course course will get you capturing, connecting, and tracking your ideas.  Experience and work the difference between fleeting notes, reference notes, main notes, hub notes, structure notes, and indexes. 

what you’ll learn

Distinguish, develop, and put to work the six fundamental note types associated with the zettelkasten: fleeting notes, reference notes, main notes, hub notes, structures notes, and indexes. Learn how each of these notes work together to form a robust and personalized knowledge system for writing.

when it’s happening

Tuesday, 1/14 @ 1100am NYC time (lecture)
Thursday, 1/16 @ 1100am NYC time (Q&A)

Tuesday, 1/21 @ 1100am NYC time (lecture)
Thursday, 1/23 @ 1100am NYC time (Q&A)

Tuesday, 1/28 @ 1100am NYC time (lecture)
Thursday, 1/30 @ 1100am NYC time (Q&A)

Tuesday, 2/4 @ 1100am NYC time (lecture)
Thursday, 2/6 @ 1100am NYC time (Q&A)

All you need to get started.

The foundation upon which everything else is built.

Module 1, Building Your Zettelkasten, is a comprehensive overview of the fundamentals of building and working with a zettelkasten. Everything from fleeting notes, to reference / literature notes, to main notes, to indexes, structure, and hub notes are covered. You'll also learn the basics of making connections, what connections are worth making, and how to keep track of them.

This is where it all begins. 

Keep track of your thoughts.

Thoughts come and go. This system helps you keep track of them.

Having lots of ideas, even great ideas, can be a blessing or a curse. If there's nowhere for our thoughts to land—for a place to capture our thinking outside our mind—ideas can feel burdensome, even discouraging. Module 1 provides not only the fundamentals for building a system where your ideas can live, but a way to work with them, year after year.

Make insightful connections.

Your writing system should inspire you. This system will.

A great idea on its own is fragile. It needs context, a way to speak to, inform, and be informed by other ideas. Module 1 will give weight to your ideas by putting them in direct contact with others.

Become part of the conversation.

Online discourse shouldn’t feel intimidating.

Finding your place in the everyone-has-an-opinion online discourse can feel impossible. At the end of Module 1, you'll have such a comprehensive understanding of the principles and practices of keeping a zettelkasten, you'll have no problem entering any discussion on the subject in any forum.

Help others.

We need more people who can talk about this work. 

I truly believe those who are able to synthesize information will be the most sought after in the years to come. With so much polarization, mixed messages, enclaves and silos of communities no longer in communication with one another,  we need people who can explain and teach how to make connections between ideas, even conflicting ones. 

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